Romans 12:2 

King James Version

2 And be not conformed to this world: 

but be ye transformed 

by the renewing of your mind, 

that ye may prove what is that gold, 

and acceptable,

 and perfect, 

will of God.

Work is supposed to be fun, useful, meaningful, for many of us perform it for many hours a day -- not only so we may earn money, or make a living.

It seems our lives are cut in thirds.

There are 24 hours in a day.

Ideally, we sleep eight hours, work eight hours, and do other things eight hours.

The world has gone crazy when that ideal is defied.

But I shall declare we can make life and work more NOBLE, by having GOD in our hearts -- in EVERYTHING we do.

That is the purpose of this blog.

That our work, and thus, our lives, are given GREATER meaning, because we SERVE the LORD, as we serve others.


Work is made NOBLE when we SERVE God.

The LORD JESUS showed us how.

You will find out by reading through this blog.

GOD bless you in all your pursuits!

May the SPIRIT of the LORD be in your hearts!

And may your work MAGNIFY the LORD!

Welcome to WORK made NOBLE!

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GOD's GLORY blogs

FIRST industries


RIGHT work

Published 7 December 2020

Updated 24 September 2024


 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 King James Version 9 Two are better than one;  because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, t...