Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Your WORK must reflect GOD in you


1 John 2:15-17 

King James Version

15 Love not the world, 

neither the things that are in the world

If any man love the world, 

the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, 

the lust of the flesh, 

and the lust of the eyes, 

and the pride of life, 

is not of the Father, 

but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, 

and the lust thereof

but he that doeth the will of God 

abideth for ever.

Dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST, let us be guided by the WORD of GOD, that we serve JESUS alone.

Let us not conform to the world.

The fact that this blog, and a blog prior to this, were created with the HOLY SPIRIT, in the shortest span of time, with so many articles already written, shows how urgent that message is.

"Be not conformed to this world."

Romans 12:2 

King James Version

2 And be not conformed to this world

but be ye transformed 

by the renewing of your mind, 

that ye may prove what is that good, 

and acceptable, 

and perfect, 

will of God.

Let your work reflect the SPIRIT of GOD in you.

The Spirit is the "teacher of all things", prayed for by JESUS, given as a GIFT by the FATHER, in JESUS' name:

John 14:26 

King James Version

26 But the Comforter, 

which is the Holy Ghost, 

whom the Father will send in my name

he shall teach you all things, 

and bring all things to your remembrance, 

whatsoever I have said unto you.

By the GRACE of GOD, through FAITH, we will all follow the works of JESUS, and become blameless before the FATHER in the work we do.

What work to do?

A good idea is from the previous post:

"The BEST work we can do now"

Updated 12 April 2023


 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 King James Version 9 Two are better than one;  because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, t...